Saturday, October 4, 2008

Coming to a gutter near you

More Republican bullshit, the smearing ugly kind! Let's see, Obama runs into radical Bill Ayers by accident on the street. Sarah Palin does the nasty with an Alaska secessionist, her husband.

This is only going to get worse as the election nears. McCain and Palin can't win on the merits, but by damn they'll try mud-slinging. Even worse, they'll be proud of it.


Unknown said...

A candidate's track record, and associations are always a legitimate issue when running for President. Let's take a look at the qualifications, judgement, and experience of Obama, who is running for President. Obama had 25 years to fulfill the potential he displayed as a rising start at Harvard Law School ... and, how did he live up to that potential? ... He chose to align himself with anti-American racist, Jeremiah Wright for TWENTY YEARS ... along with Ferrahkan, Rezko, Ayers, and others. As a community organizer, he registered thousands of voters in Chicago ... then, when he ran for the state legislature, he took away their votes, by disqualifying his opponent (a black woman) on a technicality. As a U.S. Senator, he voted present 160 times ... he never called a meeting on the Afghanistan committee he chaired (although he NOW says we must shift all our military from Iraq to Afghanistan). He claimed Foreign Policy experience from a 9 day whirlwind photo op to 6 countries. And, he spent almost half of his tenure neglecting his responsibilities as a U.S. Senator, so he could run for President. Senator McCain served America honorably for 22 years in the military. He proved his love for America, as well as his honor, integrity and character, by refusing early release as a P.O.W., even while being tortured. He served America as a 'contributing' U.S. Senator, working across the aisle, for 20 years. If Obama's Twentyfive year track record shows he lacks judgement, and can't be trusted, who cares what he says about Health Care and the Economy! What Obama never learned is Character. He simply can't be trusted ... ask Jeremiah Wright, a friend of 20 years, who Obama betrayed for personal ambition ... and, you Obama supporters really think he won't betray you If he gets elected??? If he gets elected, you Obama supporters will be facing a HUGE disillusionment !!!

lovable liberal said...

Oh, good, the gutter's here, too.

Anonymous said...

Sarah is a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and given the four cancer scares her superior has had, this puts her odds quite high of actually assuming the Presidency. That the Republican party could so shamelessly put forward a candidate so utterly lacking in political stature and so lacking in any understanding of the larger policy issues is shocking enough, but the candidate has subsequently shown herself to be totally unable to lead or formulate policy and instead simply parrots the 'talking points' of the platform. She looks pretty, but talks dumb, and in so doing, defeats her own attempt to prove how useful 'Middle-American' values are to the system. Her refusal to answer "difficult" questions in the debate, and instead respond with her prepared talking points indicates how unable to cope she would be in a complex political or international negotiation. Such a candidate is utterly unfit for office, and she should be removed from the Republican Party platform rapidly in order to restore some confidence in the Party's goals for this great nation. Finally, I suggest all our fears are succinctly summed up by this video:

Anonymous said...

President OBAMA....You can hate on that all you want.... But he will be President...... All women that will vote for Sarah (with her stupid self) will be making a big mistake.... Should we teach our kids not to lie.... I guess she forgot that lesson ...and Howard go sit down...!!!!!!!!!!!

Malik48 said...

Well now don't that beat all,this lady brings back old news to try and hurt Obama with.She continue to bring up things with no facts which is what so many people have done during this election.Mrs Palin claims that Obama was suppose to have a connection with Williams Ayers was a founder of the radical 1970s group Weather Underground and they was involved in several bombings in the early 1970s, including the Pentagon and the Capitol. But what she didn't say is non of these claims were proven.What she didn't say was at the time of these so call bombings Obama was seven years old.What she didn't say that Mr Ayers conspiracy charges were dropped in 1974, and he is now a professor of education at the University of Illinois in Chicago. So it would appear that McClain camp is reaching for straws and is now running out of time.So in the weeks to come lets see what else Palin/McClain can come up with who know maybe they may say Obama knows where Ben Laden is cause they see them together at Kmart.Give us a break lets try and stick to the issues and stop with the smoke screens