Thursday, October 9, 2008

Strong partisan

Yeah, I admit it. I'm a strong partisan. Duh. So this applies to me:

The only voters who like to hear the jabs, [Merle] Black said, are "the strong partisans. They like to see the other candidate, the other side, criticized."
The fundamental problem in the CNN story - and probably in the swing voters themselves - is that no one makes even a theoretical distinction between drawing a strong contrast with your opponent and attacking your opponent. It's all "negative campaigning." So, calling your opponent a sleazy, cow-tipping, alcoholic pederast is the same as showing how he'll implement his health care plan in an unpopular or expensive way.

I find it credible that the so-called persuadables don't make this vital distinction either. They don't want politicians saying bad things about each other even if they're both fair and true. Frankly, I just don't understand how adults can possibly be so timorous. What we're deciding is important. It would be weird and unnatural if we strong partisans didn't get passionate about the issues and the candidates.

Once again, our political discourse is pitched to those who have the least interest in it and who are least equipped to deal with both the pros and the cons, both of which need to be heard.

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