South Carolina's Christian license plate is a clear establishment of religion by the state government, and it's obviously unconstitutional. It puts one religion above all others, which is exactly what the establishment clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.
If the South Carolina government really wanted to get right with the Constitution, they could fix the defects of this law and keep their stained glass plate by simply allowing atheists and all other religions their own plates under exactly the same rules. I for one am really looking forward to the Wicca plate.
In all of this, Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer plays as if Christians are set upon in South Carolina. Some martyr he is, pandering to the majority. And he still expects us to swallow his bullshit claim that this might hurt him politically!
Update (7/10): CNN has taken the story down (though their search feature still finds the old URL, but Google has it cached here, at least for now.
Sunday Night Futures
6 hours ago
Sorry to bust your bubble, but you have no idea of what you are talking about. Allowing a christian license plate is not a clear establishment of religon. It is one of many optional plates available to residents of the state; are you saying anything the state puts on a plate is an official endorsement and establishing that item as a official government entity?
Then how do you explain all the other plates available?
Allen University
Allen University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
This plate fee is $70 in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. To apply for the plate, you must present a current sorority financial card or certificate of membership. A portion of the fees collected will be used for academic scholarships.
Amateur Radio
First time applications must be handled by mail. You must certify on the application that you hold an unrevoked and unexpired amateur radio license of a renewable nature as issued by the Federal Communications Commission. The fee for the plate is $2.00 plus the registration fee
Ancient Free Masons
Ancient Free Masons license plates are $30.00 plus the registration fee. Funds are distributed to Scottish Rites Foundation of South Carolina. Funds will be used for speech and language therapy for pre-school children and disaster relief. Applicant must present a current dues card from the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons.
Anderson College
Anderson College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
To obtain an antique license plate, your current title must be surrendered and the department will issue a new title marked Antique. The fee for a new title is $15.00. To qualify for an antique license plate, the automobile or motorcycle must be at least 25 years old. The vehicle is to be used in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades and similar events, but shall not be used for general transportation. When the vehicle is sold, junked, or otherwise disposed of, you must surrender the antique license plate to the department. The fee for the plate is $10.00.
Benedict College
Benedict College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Bob Jones University
Bob Jones University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Boy Scouts of America
This plate fee is $30 in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. Any customer can purchase. There are not special requirements.
Camp Sertoma
A portion of the fees collected for this plate go to the Camp Sertoma Fund. Although Camp Sertoma is a membership-base organization, the plates are available to all South Carolina residents. The cost for the plate is $70.00 in addition to the regular registration fees.
Charleston Southern University
Charleston Southern University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Claflin College
Claflin College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Clemson University
Clemson University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Coastal Carolina University
Coastal Carolina University License Plate is $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Coker College
Coker College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
College of Charleston
College of Charleston License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Columbia College
Columbia College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Converse College
Converse College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Delta Sigma Theta Plate
A portion of the fees collected for the Delta Sigma Theta plate will be used for academic scholarships. To apply for the plate, you must present a current organizational membership card or a certificate of membership. The fee for the plate is $70.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee.
Disabled Plates and Placards
Disabled persons' plates and placards are available at any full-service DMV Branch Office. Form DMVB-16, must be completed by a doctor of medicine or physician and must indicate the disability, length of disability and type of supporting device used by the applicant. Owners of specially designed and equipped vehicles not registered to a disabled person but are used to transport disabled persons, may make a statement explaining why the plate or placard is needed. Statements from family members must define their relationship to the disabled person. You may purchase up to two (2) placards at a fee of $1.00 each. Disabled persons' license plates are issued to vehicles registered in the name of the disabled person except in the case of a specially designed vehicle. The fee for the license plate is $20.00. Truck fees are determined by weight of truck.
Disabled Veteran
You must submit a statement from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs certifying that you are a war time disabled veteran who: 1) is entitled to compensation for the loss of use of one or both legs or arms, or 2) has a permanent impairment of vision in both eyes to a degree as to constitute virtual blindness and is entitled to a special monthly statutory award by reason thereof, or 3) you are a SC veteran classified as totally and permanently disabled due to service-connected disabilities as determined from the medical records on file with the U.S. or county Department of Veterans Affairs. Two plates may be issued per applicant and a surviving spouse may maintain the license plate until remarried. The plate is free of charge. Disabled veterans are also automatically entitled to have a handicapped symbol affixed to their disabled veteran's plate allowing them to park in designated handicapped areas. No additional documentation must be provided. In order to retain or obtain the handicapped symbol, spouses of Disabled Veterans must submit Form DMVB-16 Disabled Placards & Tags Application, with a physician certifying the handicap.
Disabled Veteran Motorcycle
The Disabled Veteran Motorcycle is a free and permanent license plate. To be eligible the applicant must submit a statement from the County Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs certifying that s/he is a war time disabled veteran who: a) is entitled to compensation for the loss of use of one or both legs or arms, or b) has a permanent impairment of vision in both eyes to a degree as to constitute virtual blindness and is entitled to a special monthly statutory award by reason thereof, or c) is a SC veteran classified as totally and permanently disabled due to service-connected disabilities as determined from the medical records on file with the U.S. or county Department of Veteran Affairs; Limit two plates per applicant either two vehicle plates, two motorcycle plates or one of each. The applicant cannot have four plates.
Donate Life
The fee for the Donate Life is $30.00 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. A portion of the fees collected will go toward promoting organ and tissue donation in South Carolina and providing patient assistance to transplant recipients.
Driven by the Arts
Driven by the Arts License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Sixty dollars of the fee will go to schools and communities across the state for K-12 arts education programs. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Twenty dollars of the fee will be placed in a Public Education: A Great Investment Fund and $34.00 will be distributed to the school designated for the purchase of computers for use in the classrooms. Issued to light trucks no more than 5,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. The total fee for the plate is $54.00.
Emergency Medical Services
The fee for the Emergency Medical Services license plate is $30.00 plus the registration fee. A portion of the fees collected for this plate will be used to improve emergency medical services throughout South Carolina.
Emergency Medical Technician
First time applications must be handled by mail. One per applicant. You must hold a valid EMT certificate issued by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Services, Division of Emergency Services. The fee is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
Endangered Species
Fees collected in addition to the registration fees will be deposited into a Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund. The fee for this plate is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
Erskine College
Erskine College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Farm Vehicle
Used exclusively for agricultural, horticultural and dairy operations or livestock and poultry raising. If the farm vehicle has an empty weight of less than 7,500 pounds it may be used for general and domestic purpose but cannot be used for hire. Fee is determined by weight.
First time applications must be handled by mail. A portion of the fees collected for this plate (based on the total number sold) goes to the South Carolina Fire Academy. You must certify that you are an active or retired member of a fire department on the application (Chief Officer of the Fire Unit must sign the application). The fee is $70.00 plus the registration fee.
First in Golf Plate
This plate recognizes South Carolina as having been the number one golf destination in the United States. The cost for the plate is $70.00 plus registration fee. Proceeds from this plate are distributed to the SC Junior Golf Association to fund its many programs such as scholarships and free golf instruction for minority and underprivileged children
Francis Marion University
Francis Marion University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Fraternal Order of Police
This plate is available to all members of the Fraternal Order of Police. The fee is $30.00 plus the regular registration fee.
Furman University
Furman University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Gone Fishing
The Saltwater Fishing special license plate is available to all South Carolina residents. A portion of the fees collected will be administered by the Department of Natural Resources to manage and conserve the marine resources of the State. The fee for this plate is $75.00 plus the regular vehicle registration fee.
H.L. Hunley Plate
The plate commemorates the H.L. Hunley submarine that sunk off the cost of Sullivan's Island in 1864 and was finally recovered in 1995. The fee for the plate is $100 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. Sixty dollars from the sale of each plate is distributed to the Save the Hunley Fund created by the Hunley Commission or another non-profit fund designated by the commission. The funds provide for the continued curation of the Hunley submarine. This plate is available to anyone interested in the restoration and preservation of the submarine.
Handicapped Disabled Veteran
Based on disability. Spouses of disabled veterans may receive or retain a handicapped disabled veteran plate if they qualify and meet the qualifications for a handicapped plate.
Heritage Classic Foundation
The Heritage Classic Foundation Plate is available for private passenger vehicles. A portion of the fees collected for the plate go to the Heritage Classic Foundation. The fee is $75.00 every two years in addition to the regular biennial vehicle license fee of $24.00
Homeownership: The American Dream
The Homeownership: The American Dream license plate is available for all private passenger carrying motor vehicles and light pick-ups having an empty weight of 9,000 lbs. or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 lbs. or less. A portion of the fees collected for this plate is administered by the SC Association of Realtors for distribution to Habitat for Humanity International or another non-profit fund that supports the construction of new homes for low income families. The fee for the plate is $100.00 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee.
Hunting Island State Park
The fee for the Hunting Island State Park plate is $50.00 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. A portion of the fees collected will go toward The Friends of Hunting Island State Park, Inc. for use on projects benefiting the park.
Kappa Alpha Psi
A portion of the fees collected for the Kappa Alpha Psi plate will be used for academic scholarships. To apply for the plate, you must present a current organizational membership card or a certificate of membership. The fee for the plate is $70.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee.
Keep It Beautiful
The Keep South Carolina Beautiful plate is available to all South Carolina residents. A portion of the fees collected for this plate are distributed to the Department of Transportation for the beautification of South Carolina highways. The fee for this plate is $54.00 plus the regular registration fee.
Lander University
Lander University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Limestone College
Limestone College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Lions Club International License Plate
To apply for the Lions Club International plate, you must present a current organizational membership card or a letter on organizational letterhead that states you are a current and active member of the organization. The fee for the plate is $30.00 every two years in additional to the regular registration fee.
Marine Corps League Plate
Applicants must present a Marine Corps League membership card to apply for this plate.The fee for this plate is $30.00 in addition to the regular vehicle registration fee
Medal of Honor
Applicant must present a letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs certifying that he/she is a recipient of the Medal of Honor. Two plates may be issued per applicant. This plate is free of charge.
Morris College
Morris College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Morris Island Light License Plate
A portion of the fees collected for the Morris Island Light license plate will be distributed to Save the Light, Inc., or another nonprofit fund designated by Save the Light, Inc., for the restoration and preservation of the Morris Island Lighthouse. The historic Morris Island Lighthouse was erected in 1876 and is located off the coast of Folly Beach, South Carolina. The fee for the plate is $100.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee.
Issued to motor vehicles having no more than two permanent functional wheels in contact with the ground or with a detachable side car or trailer and having a saddle for the use of the rider. Excludes tractors.
MUSC Children's Hospital Plate
The fee for the Medical University of South Carolina Children's Hospital license plate is $50.00 plus the registration fee. Proceeds from the sale of this plate will be used to provide unit equipment and to support activities for families during their stay at the hospital.
A portion of the fees collected for the NASCAR plates will go to the following:
The South Carolina Children's Emergency Shelter Fund established by the South Carolina Department of Social Services to benefit children's emergency shelters in South Carolina.
The South Carolina Sports Development Office Fund established by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.
The NASCAR License Plate Highway Safety Fund established by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety to promote highway safety in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Transportation.
The fees for each plate are $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
NASCAR - Dale Earnhardt
The fee for this plate is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
NASCAR - Dale Earnhardt Jr.
The fee for this plate is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
NASCAR - Jeff Burton
The fee for this plate is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
NASCAR - Jeff Gordon
The fee for this plate is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
NASCAR - Rusty Wallace
The fee for this plate is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
National Guard
The National Guard plate is available to members of the Air National Guard, Army National Guard, Retired National Guard or State National Guard. When you apply for this plate, DMV will provide a label, which should be placed in top blue area of the plate, that reflects guard status. You must present a military I.D. that reflects either current or retired status. Only three plates may be issued per applicant. The fee for this plate is the regular registration fee.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
This plate fee is $30 in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. Any customer can purchase. There are no special requirements.
Newberry College
Newberry College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
No More Homeless Pets
A portion of the fees collected for this plate go into a special account for the State Veterinarian to support annual spaying and neutering programs. The fee for this special plate is $70.00 in addition to the regular vehicle registration fee.
North Greenville College
North Greenville College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Nurses Care
The Nurses Care is available to all SC residents. A portion of the fees collected are distributed to the South Carolina Nurses Foundation to endow scholarships for all of the state's registered nursing programs. The fee for this plate is $46.00 in addition to the regular vehicle registration fee.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity License Plate
A portion of the fees collected for the Omega Psi Phi plate will be used for academic scholarships. To apply for the plate, you must present a current organizational membership card, a certificate of membership, or a letter on organizational letterhead that states you are a current member. The fee for the plate is $70.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee.
Pearl Harbor
The Pearl Harbor plate is available to residents who 1) were a member of the United States Armed Forces on December 7, 1941; 2) were on station on December 7, 1941, during the hours of 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., Hawaii time at Pearl Harbor, the Island of Oahu, or offshore at a distance not exceeding three miles; and 3) received an honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces. The fee is a regular registration fee plus an additional fee of fifteen dollars. All applications for Pearl Harbor survivor license plates must be verified by the South Carolina State Chairman of Pearl Harbor Survivors. Applicants for or holders of Purple Heart plates may also receive a handicapped decal that can be affixed to the Purple Heart plate. In order to qualify for the handicapped decal applicants must submit Form DMVB-16 Disabled Placards & Tags Application, with a physician certifying the handicap.
Penn Center
Regular plate fee plus $30.00. Funds collected will go to Penn Center to support its activities.
Presbyterian College
Presbyterian College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Prisoner of War
Applicants require a statement from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs certifying that he/she is a prisoner of war in WW1, WW2, Korean Conflict or Vietnam Conflict. Only two plates may be issued per applicant. This plate is free of charge.
Purple Heart
Applicants must submit Form DD-214, Purple Heart Citation or letter from the Regional Veterans Administration certifying that the applicant is a recipient of the Purple Heart. Only two plates may be issued per applicant. The fee is the regular registration fee.
Purple Heart Motorcycle
To be eligible for a Purple Heart Motorcyle License plate an applicant is required to submit a Form DD-214, Purple Heart Citation or a letter from the Regional Veterans Administration certifying that s/he is a recipient of the Purple Heart. Limit two plates per applicant - either two vehicle plates, two motorcycle plates or one of each. The applicant cannot have four plates. The plate can be transferred to another motorcycle owned by the owner, provided that the owner makes application to DMV for the transfer. The fee is the regular registration fee, to be collected every two years.
Rotary International License Plate
A portion of the fees collected for this plate will be deposited to an account designated by each South Carolina Rotary District and be distributed properly be each district. The fee for this plate is $50.00 in addition to the regular registration fee.
SC State University
SC State University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Secular Humanists of the Low Country Plate
To apply for a Secular Humanist plate, you must present a current organizational membership showing that you are a current and active member of the organization. The fee for the plate is $30.00 every two years in additional to the regular registration fee. As a non-profit organization, the Secular Humanists of the Low Country do not receive any portion of the funds generated from the license plate sales.
No special requirements. The fee is $50.00 plus the registration fee.
Share The Road Palmetto Cycling
A portion of the fees collected for this plate go to the Palmetto Cycling Coalition, Inc. or another non-profit organization designated by the Palmetto Cycling Coalition for the promotion of bicycling safety and education programs. Although the Palmetto Cycling Coalition is a membership-based organization, the plates are available to all South Carolina residents. The cost for the plate is $30.00 in addition to the regular registration fees.
You must present a statement from your Shriners group, dues card or any other official document verifying you are a Shriner. The fee for the plate is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
Sons of Confederate Veterans Plate
This license plate is only available to certified members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The fee is $30 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee.
South Carolina Chiropractic Association
To apply for a SC Chiropractic Association plate, you must present a membership letter on organizational letterhead that states you are a member of the organization. The fee for the plate is $30.00 every two years in additional to the regular registration fee.
South Carolina Ducks Unlimited
The Ducks Unlimited plate is available to all SC residents. A portion of the fees collected are distributed to the South Carolina Ducks Unlimited State Committee for wetlands conservation projects in South Carolina. The fee for this plate is $50.00 in addition to the regular vehicle registration fee.
South Carolina Elks Association
The SC Elks Association license plate does not require a membership and is available to all SC residents. A portion of the fees collected for the plate will be used to support the SC Elk's Association's Alzheimer's state project. The fee is $30.00 in addition to the regular vehicle registration fee.
South Carolina In God We Trust
The In God We Trust Plate is available for private passenger vehicles and trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less. The requirements and registration fee for this plate is the same as a regular license plate. The biennial fee is $24.00.
South Carolina Personalized License Plate
First time applications must be handled by mail using Form MV-96. The number of letters or numbers are limited to seven for motor vehicles and six for motorcycles. The only symbol you may use is" &". No symbols may be used on a motorcycle plate. Blank spaces are counted as one letter or number. The fee is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
South Carolina United We Stand License Plate
The United We Stand Plate honors the victims who lost their lives in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The fee for the plate is $25.00 every two years in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. Fees collected for this plate will be distributed to the national 'Rewards For Justice' fund which was created to establish rewards for the capture of terrorists. This plate is available to anyone interested in commemorating September 11 and supporting our nation's efforts to combat terrorism.
Southern Wesleyan University
Southern Wesleyan University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Special Olympics
No special requirements. A portion of this fee will be deposited into a Special Olympic Fund. The fee for the plate is $50.00 plus the registration fee.
Square Dance
No special requirements. The fee is $50.00 plus the registration fee.
Support Our Troops
A portion of the fees collected for the Support Our Troops! license plate will be distributed to, a nonpartisan patriotic civilian-led organization 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which promotes support for and bolsters deployed troops (our neighbors) and their families, including care packages, morale and assistance, and special events. The fee for the plate is $30.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee.
Surfrider Foundation
This plate fee is $65 in addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee. Funds from the $65 plate fee are distributed to Surfrider Foundation. Funds will be used for environmental projects and education. Any customer can purchase. There are no special requirements.
Technology Alliance
A portion of the fees collected for this plate will be distributed to the South Carolina Technology Alliance for the continued development of high technology programs across the state and to provide resources for SC Technology Entrepreneurs. The fee for the special plate is $100.00 in addition to the regular registration fee.
The Citadel
The Citadel License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
U.S. Armed Forces Retired
Applicant must provide a Form DD-214, Retirement Order, copy of military I.D. reflecting retired status or other verification that applicant is a retired member of the U.S. Armed Forces. Only two plates may be issued per applicant. The fee is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
U.S. Military Reserve
The commanding officer must certify on the application that he/she is an active member and is currently serving in the U.S. Military Reserve. The fee for the plate is $30.00 plus the registration fee.
Unversity of South Carolina
The University of South Carolina plate is $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Vietnam Veteran
Applicant must present a form DD-214 or documentation certifying that he/she was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal or that he/she served on active duty in Vietnam. The plate is only available to Vietnam War veterans who served on active duty during the period of February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975. The fee is $20.00 every two years plus the registration fee.
Voorhees College
Voorhees College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
West Point License Plate
To apply for the West Point plate, you must present a current organizational membership card or a letter on organizational letterhead that states you are a current member. The fee for the plate is $30.00 every two years in addition to the regular registration fee. As a non-profit organization, West Point does not receive any portion of the funds generated from the license plate sales.
Winthrop University
Winthrop University License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Wofford College
Wofford College License Plates are $70.00 plus the registration fee. Forty dollars of the special plate fee will be sent to the specified school for scholarships. You may use Form MV-95 to apply for these plates. This plate can be purchased for cars or light trucks with an empty weight of 9,000 pounds or less and a gross vehicle weight of 11,000 pounds or less.
Working for the Wild Turkey
A portion of the fees for this plate will be distributed to National Wild Turkey Federation. The fee is $70.00 plus the regular registration fee.
World War II
The World War II special license plate is available to all World War II veterans and their spouses for private motor vehicles registered in their name. Applicants must provide official documentation of their World War II service. A portion of the fees collected from the sale of this plate will be distributed to the State Department of Education to support and promote ROTC programs in South
Nice long list, Bob, but it's not on point, not even the Secular Humanists of the Low Country. The establishment violation is that non-Christians can't get their beliefs onto a license plate under the same regulations as Christians. Could an atheist obtain a plate that said "I don't believe"? Not according to the CNN story, which says that only the Christian plate is allowed words.
As I noted in the original item, SC could keep its Christian plate if they were willing to treat all religious beliefs equally. They aren't, so they can't.
Of course, I'm assuming the Supreme Court can actually read the Constitution, and that's often in doubt these days.
Okay, Since you can't understand it all at once, let's take it one at a time.
1. SC allows many other plates to have words on them.
2.The Establishment Clause does not preclude any religious statements on official government documents or items. Check the documents used by the Founding Fathers; full of religious statements.
3. Court decisions have re-affirmed the use of religious wording in government use. Check out the US currency, opening prayers for most state and federal legislations, etc.
4. Look at the list of plates I provided; if what you say is true then the government is endorsing and establishing each of them as official government whatever. Free Masons, Amateur Radio, Maybe NASCAR is the official state religion?
In other words, just because a religious word is used; doesn't mean a liberal has to go into pant shitting hysteria like you did.
Bob, since you're a dope, let me lay it out in one line for you:
Government violates the establishment clause whenever it accords any particular faith a special status with regard to other faiths (or lack of them).
You of course are too self-interested to understand the intent of the Founders. NASCAR is irrelevant, as it is not a religion (except metaphorically). What they hoped to accomplish was to prevent the vicious sectarian wars that had afflicted Europe for centuries. It has taken two hundred years for the Association of Sectarian Shitheads, of which you seem to be a charter member (license plate, anyone?) to start the undoing of their work.
Feel free to bring your weak-ASS bullshit back for more. I know you make it by the truckload.
Bobbo, looking back, I've made my point clearly now three times. It's even in the original post that you can have your Christian plate easily and Constitutionally by treating other beliefs equally. That's all you have to do.
Instead, you don't want other religions to have even the same privilege as fishermen ("Gone Fishing"). This is a choice you want to make as the dominant religion, but it's prohibited by the First Amendment.
You already had "In God We Trust", and you and your political ilk are clearly trying to push the boundaries further with this new plate.
That provision in the First Amendment of the Federal Constitution and made applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment prohibiting the enactment of laws respecting "the establishment of religion." The Supreme Court has stated that the establishment clause "means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. . . . No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion. . . . In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a ‘wall of separation between church and State'." 330 U.S. 1, 15.
How does the state making license plates, one of many, violate any of the above?
If it had been a snake, it would have bit ya. It's weird that you don't notice this in your quotation: "Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."
This is what I've been saying all along. Treat all religious beliefs equally (including non-belief), and then you have no problem.
The only way the current law could be Constitutional is if CNN reported its provisions incorrectly. Of course, I do assume non-Orwellian interpretation from the Supreme Court, and that has proven to be a stretch since, oh, Bush v. Gore.
Spell it out, how does allowing citizens to pay extra for a "christian" license plate - aid one religion, all religions or prefer one over another?
BTW, the link to the CNN story is down.
Bob, I'll pretend you're serious about this question, though I really think you're either playing way dumber than you are or you're just yanking my chain.
Here's the critical passage of the story:
South Carolina's legislature has not made a similar specialty plate available for any other faith, he said.
While individuals can ask the DMV to print plates for other faiths -- for a $4,000 fee -- the request would be subject to significant limits and rules not imposed for the Christian plate. Other tags could feature a religious symbol -- such as the Star of David -- but no words would be allowed. (emphasis added)
So: Aid one religion? Allow Christians to put their message in front of the public, while not allowing other religions the same privilege.
Favor religion over unbelief (which is accorded the same status as a religion under the First Amendment)? Legislatively directed production of a plate with "I believe", while continuing rules that prohibit a plate with "I don't believe".
Favor one religion over others? For one example among many, "Shiva, destroyer" would be forbidden from expression.
This is really easy. If you are capable of understanding the Golden Rule, you should be capable of understanding this. I doubt you would be satisfied having your religion relegated to second class status.
Luckily, according to the United Methodist Press, this plate will not be available. Due to a massive lawsuit, based on the fact that this plate was discriminatory, they will not be producing this. I would love it if they made this, yet allowed any religious symbol. however, as of yet, our country's idea of equality is not quite that progressed. oh and Bob, LL is correct, none of your arguments are cogent, as none of the other plates available are religious in nature. You're trying to compare apples to oranges, and that doesnt work.
correction, a federal judge ordered a stop put to production, christians may apply for an orginizational plate the same way as any other organization. so, they may still get their plate, but they'll have to go through approved channels, and it will not be sponsored by the state. Yes, this is a christian-based country, we were founded on christian ideals, however, the state still is not allowed to show preference. score one for democracy
Justin, thanks, but you're off on a few assertions. This is a predominantly Christian country, but its political heritage is not centrally Christian. No doubt our Constitution is affected by the personal roots of its framers in their religious beliefs, but to the degree that the text of the Bible has any legal effects, they're either minuscule or they're common law (thou shalt not kill, e.g.) unless you count something as foundational as the concept of law itself, and that predates Christianity by quite a bit. Predates Judaism, too.
Even so, though I'm taking your word on the news, you've got it right. Christians can have their plate as long as they abide by the same rules as everyone else (and, note that those rules can't be contrived to exclude everyone else either).
I found this blog item high up in my site traffic report, and, Jesus H. Christ, I was incredibly polite to Bob S., given his spamming cut and paste and his obvious inability to grasp the simplest point.
I'm even less willing to suffer fools at all these days.
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