After welcoming the state trooper firing investigation just last week, Sarah Palin now says it's a partisan witch hunt. Never mind that the same guy is running it as was running it before McCain plucked her out of well-deserved obscurity. Now, she has found her excuse not to cooperate.
I'll give Palin this: She learns the Republican way with astonishing speed. She's not even elected, and she already thinks she's above the law.
Republicans lie. It's what they do to remain in power.
American media and voters let them. Ignorance truly must be bliss if so many people are opting for it.
If she were running from the scene of a mugging, we'd all conclude she was probably guilty. Instead, she's using her office to settle a personal score and then visibly covering it up. The right sanction is to assume that she is guilty as charged. If that's how the narrative went, she'd open right up.
Update (9/16): Here are all my Sarah Palin posts. Blogger tells me that there are 28 so far. Have fun!
One serious thing about Palin: You'll notice I didn't jump on the weird, outlandish rumors, like the one about Trig's parentage. I didn't publish the Photoshopped fake picture of her in a stars and stripes bikini toting a rifle, though I thought it was wicked funny when I got a copy. There was other even funnier stuff mocking the Palins. You can find it if you want, but I didn't publish it. The media should be so responsible!
I've been trying to find out who Palin is and what she represents. Despite her smile, it ain't a pretty picture.
Tuesday: Job Openings
7 hours ago
I will say that it is highly suspicious that while she had maintained she and her staff was innocent and they all agreed to "cooperate fully" with the investigation before the nomination, but they're all now fighting it as hard as they can... Gee, I have nothing to hide, I'm innocent and golly gee, I never did anything like that... but no, I'm not going to testify so I can prove my innocence. But, the best part? That committee that is on an "Obama-backed witch hunt"? It has 5 members, and the vote was 3-2 to issue subpoenas. BUT, only 2 are democrats - the other 3 are Republicans. Which Republican defected you ask? Why, it just happens to be the representative from...(*drum roll*)...
Wasilla - Her Home Town. Gee. That's a real witch hunt there. I CERTAINLY believe that your hometown's rep is really a closet Obama supporter, Gov. Palin. Right.
This is a witch hunt... and the media could give a rip what they write, just as long as it's negative and DAILY finding something wrong with Sarah Palin. Monagon is the one who's credibility is at stake.... Sarah has integrity and has shown it. I think the media thinks they are the all powerful force that should be OBEYED! Biased biased biased!!!
C'mon guys... stop beating up on Palin. Everyone has been soooo critical of her, asking questions, demanding interviews, asking people who know her to talk about her, and claiming we have a right to know???
It's all sexism. Women in politics are targeted for thier views and positions on the issues by the media. We should do what the McCain campaign says and stop asking her questions because she's a GIRL and we all know GIRLS CAN'T HANDLE POLITICS LIKE MEN. That's why we need to treat her nicely.
Now we know she has Bush and her boys in her corner. This is a move straight out of Cheney's playbook. She's above the law. Wow. And I thought she was all about the people. Well she obviously lies. What the people want to know is that she is not above the law. This is outrageous.
Karl Rove and Ed Rollins indicate John McCain is shooting off his mouth with a plethora of fails statements, not really a surprize for any politician. Hence, it is not unexpected that his pick manifests or possesses similar characteristics; deceit-based beliefs!?! John McCain appears to have suffered from a serious Bushism or was possibly Bushwhacked by Dick Cheney. Scary, John McCain and his pick are very, very scary.
Karl Rove and Ed Rollins indicate John McCain is shooting off his mouth with a plethora of false statements, not really a surprize for any politician. Hence, it is not unexpected that his pick manifests or possesses similar characteristics; deceit-based beliefs!?! John McCain appears to have suffered from a serious Bushism or was possibly Bushwhacked by Dick Cheney. Scary, John McCain and his pick are very, very scary.
What happened to the media discussing issues that really matter to the people of this country like illegal aliens, the economy, the many suffering from Ike, etc. All they seem to want to do is write negative and misleading comments about anyone, especially someone with integrity something our current media seems to be sadly lacking. Cooperation doesn't mean that you stand still while you are being stabbed.
Take note: The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
He will destroy everything.
Now who does THAT sound like? ! ? !
Debra who commented above is one of the voters described in this blog. Ignorant and uninformed.
Come on Debra lets all be realistic here. Just last week she said to Charlie Gibson that she has NOTHING to hide and NOT even a week later is seems that she does have something to hide. Why the flip flopping if she has nothing to hide? I also would like to see a woman in the position that she is seeking or even the top stop, but clearly she or McCain is out of touch with the real issues that we are ALL facing. Today, of all days John McCain the person that you obviously wants to see win this election said that our economy is "fundermentally safe". Lets be realistic there absolutely nothing safe about our economy right now. Personally, I havent decided which candidate I am going to vote for, but when John McCain can stand there a say that with a straignt face it have to make you wonder what's their real agenda. As for Sarah Palin she keeps spewing the same line/lies over and over again, when proven that they are indeed lies. Doesn't it make you wonder whatelse she lying about? I know it makes me wonder along with alot of other women and men. She is seeking the 2nd top office of out GREAT country I for one would like to know everything there is to know about this woman along with all the other candidates. So NO it's not a WITCH HUNT IT'S CALLED FACT FINDING.
Debra is also one who likely believes the ignorant post about some stupid anti-christ prophesy.
It amazes me 40 years after the civil right marches and reforms people still are ignorant and as bigoted as this person must be.
Anybody refusing to cooperate with an investigation in which they claim to have nothing to hid, is apparently trying to HIDE SOMETHING... I really thought a lot of Sarah P until she pulled this little stunt. What a crock.
If she is innocent of any wrongdoing, where's her vaunted GUTS in facing the music folks? I thought she'd be dying to clear this up, but instead, it will hurt her big time.
This sort of decision just goes to show how unfit for office this ticket is. Sarah refuses to clear her name, because apparently..... drum roll... SHE CAN'T.
This is so plainly a dodge... figure she'd do the same in office. I just decided to vote for Obama.
Can anyone please explain why Todd Palin should be speaking to anybody about anything to do with this issue when he is not even an elected or appointed official? If McCain is elected will he also it in on Palin's meetings and be copied on e-mails. What on earth is going on in Alaska?
Palin's speech today stated that Obama would raise taxes on all people. These claims have been disproved by many independent watch groups but Palin/Mccain cOntinue to campaign on this premise.
Truth is if you are making approx 200k your taxes will rise under Obama'a plan, but for everyone else taxes will decrease a greater amount that Mccain's plan. Mccain's plan gives a greater %age of tax cuts to the rich than poor.
Palin credible? I think not.
See this link
This is to "Anonymous" who asks why we don't talk about the "real" issues. Excuse me, but if someone wants to be MY leader, I want to know if he or she holds integrity and honesty as one of their core values. Palin is under an ETHICS INVESTIGATION BEING CONDUCTED BY A BI-PARTISAN PANEL...she told us that she has nothing to hide and has done absolutely nothing wrong. The fact that she is now not cooperating and blaming Obama shows me more about her true values than anything she can ever tell me.
This IS important and we are ENTITLED to know who she is and what she's about. She wants to serve US..the burden is on HER to PROVE to us why we should allow her to serve us. So far, she is failing, to those of us that can see past her lipstick. She is just another politician.
And as far as your last paragraph. Your racism and blatant religious bigotry are disgusting.
Let's be honest : it wouldn't matter what Palin's dossier looked like if she was on the Democratic ticket. The labels would be reversed, the GOP would be on the attack and the Democrats would be defending her, defending her decision to fire the police chief and righteously validating her desire to fire that child-taserer / drunk cop on patrol, Wooten. The Dems discredit themselves by defending a bad cop. The reality is it wouldn't matter WHO was in Palin's shoes, the left would be on attack because they are liberals FIRST and the particular characters are irrelevant.
Great - just what we need - another Republican who thinks they are above the law. This is her own Legislature dealing with state business where she is the Governor and is involved in the issue.
Perhaps instead objecting to a TAINTED investigation Governor Palin is objecting to a legitimate investigation of a TAINTED FIRING (an investigation occuring before she was selected - so Obama couldn't have steered it his way - just another misdirection to avoid facing the problem).
Hope people start seeing her for what she is. Do you REALLY want someone who feels they can ignore any legitimate authority for whatever reason they want to make up? Mc Cain must be grinning with glee - another day down without being forced to TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES !!!!
Palin wants to "reform" and "clean up" Washington and she won't even participate in her own ethics investigation! Talk about calling the kettle black!!! Obama better hit a home run on this one. According to the article the investigation could result in CRIMINAL CHARGES. Just what the country needs, VP in JAIL! This has to be one of the sleeziest looking stories I've heard in a LONG time. There is absolutely NOTHING ethical about Sarah Palin! I sure hope people see right through THAT conspiracy theory about Democratic sabotage. I guess that's what she calls it when SHE is being investigated right? What a joke!
You have got to be kidding me gooleads. Please tell me where you read that the Democrats are "defending a bad cop". That has got to be the most idiotic comment I have read so far. The plain and simple fact is that Palin herself said that she HAS NOTHING TO HIDE TO CHARLIE GIBSON less than a week ago and would welcome and cooperate an investagation and now she flip flopping and crying foul blaming the democrats. The committee that is conducting the ivestagation is made up of 5 members. 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats. I dont know if you are male or female, but if you are a female and to all the females that's viewing Palin as their savior really need to pay attention to this womans beliefs and and do some fact finding of their own instead of listening to what all the other Palin robots are saying. Because as a woman I dont want to wake up 4 months from now and realize this woman has taken away all of my rights that we as women has fought for all our lives.
There is absolutely NO PROOF of the allegation of this guy drinking in his patrol car. NONE. ZILCH. ZERO. Infact, He still has his job after all this time because they had NOTHING to fire him on. NOTHING.
Alaska law makers felt it necessary to investigate the governor for ABUSE OF POWER!!! If you don't think that abusing one's power is an issue, than something is wrong with your ethical compass because it's broken.
And this is a lady whose whole campaign centers around "reform"? She's just like the rest of 'em. What's she going to reform? Obama will come out swinging and being that the media is already feeling slapped in the face by the McCain camp manipulation of it, they will also come out swinging...
McCain likes to compare Obama to Britney, but pretty soon, Palin will be just like a one hit wonder. Her record is already speaking louder than her words are....
If her camp doesn't PROVE beyond any doubt that Obama was involved, Say hello to President Barack HUSSEIN Obama...I think it has a nice ring to it - what do ya think?
what do you expect from her? she has lied lied lied from day 1, nothing came out of her mouth has been true...if you expect anything but lie from are as stupid as she is.
Here are the REAL numbers,,,,Its about time you "O" people take a serious LISTEN at what is being said instead of hearing what you want to hear
This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard. It should make you worry.
Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples) McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales
How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a Profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a
retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will
go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.
MCCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6%
How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama become president. The experts predict that 'higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
MCCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama your taxes will more than double! How does this affect
you? No explanation needed. This is pretty straight forward.
MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
Restore the inheritance tax.
How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms
and ranches, and homes that have been in their families for
generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those
willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these
* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400
square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water,
* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the
same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
People better start questioning what they are voting for. This throws credibility out the window completely for Palin. She said she would clean up Washington. How does she do that when she won't even participate in her own ethics investigation. I'm deeply disappointed in this development. It's time to look at Obama/Biden as the next alternative. We can't have a VP impeached. We have enough problems to worry about. You'd think she would want to get it over with if she had nothing to hide. There were more Republicans that moved to have her husband questioned than Democrats. That pretty much says it all. Sometimes we are our own worst hypacrits. She wanted to investigate everyone else but not be investigated herself. We can't have someone that is willing to hide things during the Presidency. We need to move forward. Ask yourself if this is someone you really trust handling an issue such as 911 if it were to happen. Can she even be trusted? Her OWN party doesn't even trust her now! I can't believe McCain would pick someone under investigation and is encouraging not co-operating. How does he expect to reform Washington with that kind of attitude. Palin sounds more like a dictator than a leader!
Palin ia a liar. If she had nothing to hide she would agree to the test.
This whole camp is all lies.
Liars are thieves and thieves are liars.
To the antichrist Blogger:
If you are going to quote please use footnotes.
Perhaps you should pray because if the liars and thieves get in we are all going down
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples) McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
Wow... Mccain and his $300,000 outfit worn wife should be really worried, he has 8 houses and I just foreclosed one. I am not worried as much as John and Cindy McCain should, even if this is a fact but another lie.
People better start questioning what they are voting for. This throws credibility out the window completely for Palin. She said she would clean up Washington. How does she do that when she won't even participate in her own ethics investigation. I'm deeply disappointed in this development. It's time to look at Obama/Biden as the next alternative. We can't have a VP impeached. We have enough problems to worry about. You'd think she would want to get it over with if she had nothing to hide. There were more Republicans that moved to have her husband questioned than Democrats. That pretty much says it all. Sometimes we are our own worst hypacrits. She wanted to investigate everyone else but not be investigated herself. We can't have someone that is willing to hide things during the Presidency. We need to move forward. Ask yourself if this is someone you really trust handling an issue such as 911 if it were to happen. Can she even be trusted? Her OWN party doesn't even trust her now! I can't believe McCain would pick someone under investigation and is encouraging not co-operating. How does he expect to reform Washington with that kind of attitude. Palin sounds more like a dictator than a leader!
Talk about dumb! Do all you anti-Palin folks actually think that all the stuff thats being thrown at her, is fact? And does "anonymous" actually believe that someone who has stirred up the good old boys club the way she has, wouldn't have a few enemies, even in their own home town? Come on! Where do you live? I bet your one of those who think she actually was banning certain books, before they were even published.
The reason for even people of her own party trying to bring her down, is because she has attacked dishonest politics regardless of which party she is in. Didn't go over well with some of course.
As far as cooperating with the "investigation", I believe they have been fairly honest,but when everything including having two blackberrys is looked at like a crime, you'd be getting ahold of a lawyer too.
It also amazes me that Palin is the main point of this "troopergate", while this slimeball trooper, who even admits to most the crimes he committed, is still driving around in his cruiser. Or maybe you don't have a clue what he did, and hopefully is not now doing? The Palin family did what any American family has the right to, regardless of who you are. Would you stand by while a trooper threatens to kill your father?, tazers you son?, or has often been caught driving drunk? What would you have done in the same place?
The majority of the attacks are just a twist of facts, with a certain political bent. And it sounds like most of you have fallen for the bait.
I really really love cows too..Do you think she will hire me???
Debra, you sound like someone that voted for George W. Bush. Look where that got us? House foreclosures, a War in Iraq that could cost trillions, a failed economy, lost jobs, record deficits, would you like me to write you a book of failed Republican policies?
When your OWN party is investigating you, you have a problem. So now its a CONSPIRACY? LOL Right. There is no possible way that Sarah Palin is afraid to co-operate cause she is GUILTY right? If the shoe was on the other foot, you better BET that the same thing would be said.
So answer this Debra. How come it was only a few days ago that she told ABC News that she WAS going to co-operate? She flip flops more than any liberal politician I've ever seen. You can't forget that bridge to nowhere she supported, then didn't support, then took nearly half a BILLION dollars of American taxpayers money for her own people. Hardly something to be proud of. That's like giving a homeless person money that begged for it and for them to turn around and spend it on something else. Can you spell UNETHICAL???
I hope that Obama nails Palin on this one because she is under investigation and can result in CRIMINAL CHARGES. This is a SERIOUS matter that could have serious consequences. She wants to delay this until AFTER the election??? How fair is it to the American people to simply say "trust me". She is no different than any other sleezy politician.
I noticed that the McCain camp is just releasing information that suits their own agenda. Nice platform, I hope Obama uses the clip of Palin saying she'll co-operate and pair it with the statement that its a conspiracy. You can't have it both ways. You can't suggest you are going to "shake up" Washington and then RUN AWAY from your own investigation. Claiming sexism or whatever McCain's camp daily excuse is getting old. I particularly loved her foreign policy experience response to being simply that you can see Russia from Alaska. Oh yes, one can't forget that she NEVER has been to Iraq and only been on ONE trip since she got her passport last year. Is that really someone we could trust with foreign relations?
This said a lot to the character of Sarah Palin. She championed herself as the ethics reformer. Now her credibility is none. Claiming conspiracy theories is only going to fuel the fire. Obama needs to simply point out that this investigation started BEFORE she was even picked as VP. McCain still pressed on to pick her despite this investigation.
I'd suggest the McCain camp to get their stories straight at least. There are more Republicans that have wanted this enquiry than Democrats. If that's the case he shouldn't be lying about the witchhunt by Democrats. Here we go again with his lies. This is Obama's opportunity to take the election away! Finally some good news for the camp!
Debra if indeed he was caught drinking and driving or driving drunk WHY IS HE STILL A TROOPER? Once again more LIES LIES LIES!!! And what has the woman done that has you so adamantly backing her. As a woman you should be ashamed of yourself. She's doesn't care about your rights as a woman. I suggest you do some FACT FINDING about Palin and start thinking for yourself and stop believing what you read on the BLOGS.
Looking at these comments about lies, secrecy etc. Why are so many of you listing yourself as "anonymous", what do you have to hide? At least Debra has the nerve to make her comments under her own name. . . and each of you criticize Palin?
I know, you are not going for a political office, all the more reason posting your identity shouldn't be a secret
Jeanne, its not like you have a profile, just a first name that is unverifiable. Its a contradiction to criticize someone for lack of transparency when you aren't transparent yourself. But then hypocrisy is the centre of the McCain/Palin campaign.
I'm undecided, and don't give a rip about Palin or Super-Obama. What I care about are issues.
The probe has revenge and obfuscation written all over it. Of course its partisan. They will infer that her husband pressured someone, and in turn she'll be held accountable for a phone conversation he made while she was away at the capitol. This is a non-issue and a waste of time.
Yes that question is exactly what has been asked of the Troopers Union head honcho... why is Wooten still employeed. Why did he only get his hand slapped when anybody else would be in jail. These aren't made up charges, he has admitted to them. I'd say a big part of the equation is directly on the troopers union.... they made themselves above the law.
Wow another Palin robot has entered the room I see. Repeat after me "HI Palin is my savior and she is going to go to Washington and reform and shake things up just like she did with the good ole boys club in Wasilia". Please spare me the BS. Once again if she has nothing to hide why not cooperate with the investigation and stop crying foul and blaming the Democrats. I agree with Anonymous that posted that as a woman Palin isn't going to do NOTHING but set us women back years on all that we have accomplished as women. For those of you that are complaining that we are attacking Palin. It's not attacking its trying to find out who this woman is for the safety of our children. Ask you yourself why are you really backing Palin is it simply because she is a woman? Becuase she clearly doesn't have a woman best interest at heart.
Discussion on real issues does seem to be the main thing that this Presidential race is lacking. It seems that both sides want to discuss the trivial instead of issues that should concern us.
I suggestyou watch the interview again because he NEVER admitted to drinking and driving. What he did admit to is tasering his 10 year old step son, which he admitted that it was stupid and if he had to do it all over again he would do it differently.
What is so threatning to have "a culture of LIFE in America" I find that incredibly refreshing for me and many generations to come. Sarah is standing for life..... isn't that what women want... life?
Sure we want life, but we also want to have a choice a voice.
It's a FACT he was drinking and driving and the bar tender was the witness. He did get reprimanded a week for that... It's not a made up story. It's a fact he threatened the life Sarah's father... it was reported right away.... it's not a made up story. Your only information is from the biased news reports... incase you haven't noticed all the negative coverage.
This is copied and pasted from the Associated Press:
"The "last straw," the campaign said, was a trip Monegan planned to Washington in July to seek federal money for investigating and prosecuting sexual assault cases."
Even if she did fire Monegan over what she considers "cause" this speaks volumes as to how she feels about sexual assault victims. She would actually FIRE someone for wanting to seek more money for sexual assault cases? Are you bleeping serious? Wow. She really isn't for women's issues is she?
I also was reading how when she was the Mayor of Wasilla how victims of rape had to pay for their own kits!!! Those cost up to $1,200 EACH to save $15,000 a year for the county. What generation are we living in?
She's FOR women's rights????? She needs to be CALLED out on this stuff. This is plain DISGUSTING!
When you were born did anybody ask you if you wanted to be born? Thankfully your mother spoke for you and welcomed you into the world.
Monagan was never fired.. you got that term from the media. Was offered another job but he declined. That is a fact... not a made up story.
All we're saying is if Palin has nothing to hide then cooperate with the investigation and be done with it. And lets get back to the real issues at hand like our economy, taxes, etc. I am so sick and tired of hearing day after day about LIPSTICK ON PIGS, HER PREGNANT DAUGHTER, THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, ETC. I want to hear about things that are important to me to Americans things that will benefit US.
Debra, are you even going to touch the post about her position on sexual assault. She also does not support rape in the case of sexual assault either!!! So lets recap here:
1) She felt it was justify the police chief as he wanted to lobby for more money to prosecute and investigate sexual assault cases
2) She forced women to pay for their own rape kits (up to $1,200) while she was the Mayor of Wasilla which likely discouraged women to come forward to prosecute rapists
3) She does not support abortion in the case of rape. Even in a situation that a 50 year old child molestor rapes an 11 year old girl and she gets pregnant.
Again Debra, she is for women's rights HOW EXACTLY? It sounds like Ms. Sarah Nazi fires anyone that doesn't agree with her policies.
You clearly have a distorted REPUBLICAN view of the fact. I also have a bridge to sell you. So I guess you agree that even in cases of rape or incest that a woman shouldn't have a choice and should be forced to carry a child for 9 months as a constant reminder of what she's been through. TRULY DISGUSTING. And to make a woman pay for her own RAPE KIT, THAT TAKES THE CAKE.
You and the media have already tried and convicted Sarah Palin. There are more things written that aren't true... amazing that it can be called journalism. You must hold to the saying "It must be true, it's written down!"
Take the biased glasses off... she really meant it when she said she was there to serve the people.
And by the way she never forced people to pay for their rape kits.
Myself along with the media have NOT already convicted Palin. She's doing that all on her own day by day. And yes, she has done some good but clearly her dishonesties and lies out number all the good that she might have done. And the rape kit thing "THAT'S TRUE".
And as far as journalism is concerned ISN'T THAT WHAT SARAH PALIN HAS HER DEGREE IN? So she knows how to tweak the facts a little bit doesn't she?
Sorry Vee... my comment was for anonymous. Didn't mean to offend you. I should have put his name first.
The Obama tax plan claims by a McCain supporter waaay up this thread were lies. Not just wrong. Lies.
It's amazing to me that this post about Sarah Palin's willingness to use her office to settle a personal score, which I regard as an abuse, has gotten such passionate commentary from all sides. Aren't there other stories that deserve just as much passion?
What I can see is that Republicans don't care about law or principle as long as they win. Eventually, Democrats are going to learn that, and then where will we be? I don't think we'll be better off.
Debra - as a woman myself, I abhor another woman telling me that I shouldn't be able to abort my fetus if it was conceived through rape. As a woman who has also been raped and gone through that trauma, it is a slap in the face that ANYONE - ESPECIALLY another woman who obviously has never been raped, to tell me that I should have to go through the agony of carrying my rapists child! The person that violated my body, my spirit, my soul....
Yes, I am pro-choice - ESPECIALLY in cases of rape. Let's keep abortion safe, legal, and rare and begin teaching our children how to protect themselves so that when they choose not to be abstinent (and we all know many aren't abstinent) - they will know.
Ironically, Palin is also against that as well. So, tell me again how she will fight for my rights as a woman?
My name is Rachel..I'm not anonymous - I'm not hiding - just don't want to open an account.
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