McCNN reports this story in the passive voice to avoid saying that McCain pulled a bait and switch on Obama. But at least they reported the story.
McCain's clear motive was to gain political advantage, not to put country first. More and more, it's clear that McCain wants to be the Thane of Cawdor by any means necessary.
That stain will never come out.
Tuesday: Job Openings
6 hours ago
Well said.
Since Mccain wants to delay the debate why don't the VP's fill in?
Palin said in her Gibson interview that she was ready to be president, so a debate should not pose a problem.
What's interesting to me is to note that AFTER stating he was suspending his campaign, McCain went ahead and appeared with Katie. What part of "suspending" does he not get? He wants Obama stop making campaign appearances, but he will continues with his own?
the sad thing is that the state in whcih the debate is being held, organzized and planned it exactly 10 months in advance (nov 07)...
mccain is just trying to get out of the debates because he knows he can't argue foreign policy; he acts on his irrational impulses...
McCain has shown leadership... Why don't you liberal commies just admit it.
Obama looks like a foolish elitist that can not deviate from a set schedule.
Even my 10 year old can see that debates are to simulate scenarios so we can see the candidates react.... UHHHHH Why not use the real world real situation going on?
If you think this is leadership, it's no wonder you're for McCain. You like being led around by your nose.
Enough dishonesty and distortion already. Doesn't McCain have what it takes to debate Obama? He should stop making us American look dumb. He is looking for some "noble" excuse or exit. He is chickening out?
Oh yes, maybe Palin can step in and pitch in for McCain. It would be exciting to watch her demonstrate her readiness.
McCain may have shown courage on the battle field but he shows no courage or leadership in the political arena. His duplicitous behavior was revealed on Letterman the night before last when instead of "rushing off to Washington" or even having the integrity to keep a prior commitment, he goes to an interview with Katie Couric. Then he STILL hung around New York until the next morning (what happened to all hands on deck?) for something else. This proves McCain is a liar and not to be trusted. While younger, he may have had the courage to face off with his Viet Cong captors, but it now appears as an old man, he hasn't the courage to face off with an intelligent black man in a debate.
If it is all too much for him, if it is REALLY because HE just can't keep up at his age, then his bogus "I was a navy pilot" and "all hands on deck" speech just doesn't fly anymore. It's plainly obvious this was all just another ploy to distract folks off the real issues again.
I am sick of being called a commie by anal right wing nuts, who have been supporting these treasonous bastards in the current adminstration. Calling us names just because we object to an old man lying and evading a debate he knows he cannot win is just pathetic. They have no reality about anything anymore so they have to sling insults and more lies. If living in delusion like the hardcore conservatives do is being a patriot, then God help this county!
Ha! McCain has now changed his mind about the debate. What a leader! He is a leaf in the wind of public opinion!
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