An Amazon basin tribe, contacted for the first time, issued this statement: "Not the Scotty McClellan we knew. Now leave us alone before we catch something."
Tuesday: Job Openings
6 hours ago
An Amazon basin tribe, contacted for the first time, issued this statement: "Not the Scotty McClellan we knew. Now leave us alone before we catch something."
leave them alone!
This is terrible! Can you imagine anything more awful than being cut off from modern society? We need to plan an airdrop at once - generators, laptops, playstations, Hanna Montana CD's, clothes from the Paris Hilton collection, etc. "The people appear stong and fit" - add snacks to the list, chips, pork rinds, some couches...
When I think of Modern Medicine, Dentistry, etc I am so glad I have them and don't live in horrible pain from rotting teeth, or from a yeast infection, parasites, etc. But on the up note..they probably die at 40 so that is good. God I hope their isn't a race out in space avoiding contacting us because they think we want to be left alone. Sitting on their cures for cancer, war, death, etc.
Great, now lets send in the priests so they can rape and pillage them.
I know those dudes! Last time I saw them, they were blissing out at a Grateful Dead concert. What a long, strange trip it's been for them.
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