If he can't do it, only god can. After all, that's who loaned Rush his "talent" for use as a service mark by Ego in Broadcasting.
Click image for the full glory of this Tom Tomorrow/Salon cartoon.
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5 hours ago
Yes Republican policy and individual freedoms is a failure. Socialism and big spending is the way to go. You liberals make me sick.
I love that all you libs are taking so much action against Rush. He called out the messiah, said he wanted him to fail, and then said he wanted all the drive bys to repeat it over and over. Guess what? He got what he wanted! Now, other dems are coming out of the closet and agreeing that the messiahs policies are becoming absurd. Look out, people are standing up to the chosen one! How will he react? Ho will those with spines keep the maerican dream alive? Will he strike down upon those that disagree? Stay tuned!
I really feel for you conservatives. You're so bad at sarcasm it hurts.
Great retort. I have a feeling you are going through a period we call regret. His policies are being openly targeted as being the most liberal in history; he wanted to close Gitmo, even though the prisoners have said they are proud of their role in 9/11 (lets let em free anyway, yea!); his tax cuts are not really tax cuts, and his job creation is nothing but temporary and in the long run are burdens because we have to pay for em some how; He has hired on tax cheats to run his governent, then apologizes later for doing so; he went to private schools his whole life, but now he and his libs are trying to eliminate vouchers to allow not so "privallaged" as himself to attend such schools. All in all, his first 50 days have been a disaster, from giving Russians a gigantic button that was mispelled, to proof he is reading everything, including answers to questions, off of a tele prompter. This guy is a joke, but hes a joke that is leading us down a terrible path.
One thing you Bushists don't need my pity about is your humongous ability to generate bullshit.
Ah, so if Im a republican, I must be a bushist? Way to stereotype there. Speaking of generating bullshit, hows that "non" earmark bill the obmanator said he was going to pass? Oh yea, it happens to be one of the most pork filled ear mark ridden piece of garbage every presented. Way to keep generating the feces libs.
Your idiotic comments tag you as a Bushist - pro-Gitmo, anti-habeas, believes legal process means getting off (keep watching), Tom Delay economics (public money can't create jobs, which misunderstands everything about economic stimulus), pro-voucher, misspelling intended as what exactly, and of course final conclusions after six weeks. It's hard to find such a high bullshit density anywhere else.
Sure, go ahead, hold Obama responsible for fulfilling McCain's campaign promise. That's similar to the rest of your rhetoric. Personal responsibility? That's for liberals and other people, not for good conservatives.
Sorry, the terrible path is the one we just got off of, eight years of abusive illegal misrule. Yeah, you're a Bushist all right.
OK since you didn't get my sarcasm let me put it bluntly. You criticized Bush for spending. however he fought two wars with less money than your messiah has spend in one stimulus bill. I am not a Bushist or whatever the hell you call it. His polices were too wasteful. I didn't like him but I didn't regard him as the anti christ. Time will show you that your flawless president is going to drill us into the ground.
Oh, I got your sarcasm. It was just poorly done.
I criticized Duhbya for spending blood in a war he chose from 9/12 onward. No one's in favor of wasting money, though that's a common winger myth. I've criticized Duhb's handling of the first bank bailout. I don't like Obama's much better. It's obvious that we need to nationalize the failing banks to stabilize the credit markets, and Geithner's half measures are only a little better than Paulson's.
I'm pleased you're defending Duhb against the slurs made against Obama, but that makes as much sense as the alleged objectivism of your blog: One post on accepting the will of the majority re gay marriage and one on not accepting the will of the majority on national politics.
Pardon me if your predictions of doom are unconvincing.
my prediction of doom? I'm just saying if the government leaves us alone the will of the individual will pull through and we'll get out of this, I think I have more faith in people than you do since you want to government to take control of the banks.
and who is this guy I'm allegedly defending for slurs against our idiot president?
Time will show you that your flawless president is going to drill us into the ground.
Ah, so this is not a prediction of doom. Is it more bad sarcasm?
Ayn Rand was incredibly full of crap. The fact that some people love her simple self-flattering nostrums doesn't change that fact.
Here's what I enjoy asking of all stripes of libertarians: The marketplace of ideas has spoken, and libertarianism is a small niche market - why won't you guys accept the verdict of your sacred market?
He will drill us into the ground but I believe people will see the light and pull us out of it by reviving the free market.
I cannot stress this enough I AM NOT a libertarian. I am a conservative. The government should be there to protect us nothing more nothing less. It should stay out of everything in the free market. That is capitalism.
You call yourself "Objectivist" and you're not a libertarian? You sure you read Ayn Rand? Or do you just think Objectivism is something different because its Titanic deck chairs have a slightly different arrangement?
On the other hand, the evidence from your two posts is that you are a conservative - libertarian on economics but reactionary on social issues. Atrios would call you a glibertarian in recognition of your intellectual incoherence.
Of course, since the three people your profile lauds are Ayn Rand, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, you need a serious intervention. That's some major nasty there, not to mention obdurate stupidity.
Ayn Rand was not a libertarian you moron. Objectivism is a morality. You libs have too many labels for everything. I'm an Objectivist morally and socially and a Conservative economically. How hard is that to understand?
I'm tried of your drivel go away.
You're in my blog, twerp. If you don't like it, go back to your own 2-hit wonder.
Ayn Rand may have denied she was a libertarian, but she believed in the morality of an unregulated marketplace. She made a distinction without a difference to further her muddy and self-aggrandizing philosophy.
Some of us can recognize commonalities without having them spelled out to us by their self-interested authors. You can't.
You libs have too many labels for everything. I'm an Objectivist morally and socially and a Conservative economically.
This, by the way, cracks me up. You may not handle sarcasm better than a middle-schooler, but you've got a straight up gift for oxymoron.
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