Thursday, April 3, 2008

Can't regulate safety!

Always remember, Republicans don't believe in regulations, even the ones that could save your life. They believe in the market, the holy market, from whom all blessings flow - and it keeps the pipeline for funeral services good and full, too.

Look, lots of countries don't regulate their airlines. They are called third world countries, and their planes fall out of the sky far more often than ours. That's where the Republicans want us to be, too.

Why Americans stand for it is the real puzzle.

Update: Here's a big piece of the puzzle. It's the stupidity, stupid! Bill comments at CNN:

I fly Southwest often and this is pretty disturbing. On the other hand, it is pretty typical of what to expect from a government program. All government is good at is wasting tax dollars. It's been that way for at least 50 years. Time for less government and not more!!!
In this story, lowly government employees found a problem in the private sector and got attention for it despite the anti-regulation political leanings of the current Republican administration. And the problem is ... government!

If this guy died in a plane crash caused by illegal shoddy and deferred maintenance, he'd still be blaming the government and not Southwest.

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