Monday, March 24, 2008

Syllogism in vain

Logic in politics is like math in journalism, largely missing and what's there is probably wrong.

In the late painful outbreak of fourth grade playground taunts between the Obama and Clinton camps, I had in mind to include Gen. Merrill McPeak's words. Then I read a little further and I found rank illogic on display in the confirmed, now-permanent media conventional wisdom. Here's a little formalism that I'm sure my e-pal Winston Smith at Philosoraptor would do a better job at:

M is McPeak.
B is Bill Clinton.
J is Joe McCarthy.
M make these statements:
S(1): B says O is not a patriot.
S(2): J said x is not a patriot.
Media concludes: M accuses B of using J's doctrine and methods.

A much more reasonable explanation is the McPeak was explaining his own sensitivity to accusations of lack of patriotism.

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