Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Out in public, 2

Walking up to the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Framingham, where there's quite a bit of hostility toward immigrant Brazilians, to renew my driver's license. The strapping sixtyish man in front of me looked back and said, "That's something. Two of us who look like Americans and probably speak English."

"No hablo inglés," I replied, since my Portuguese is limited to 'bom dia' and a few phrases from songs.


"Just kidding."

"Asshole," he said, but he was just kidding, too. After all, I was a white guy.


Anonymous said...

What a fucking moron you are.

lovable liberal said...

Another wingnut dweeb who can't take a joke if it's on him - especially if it shows racism sitting right there in Framingham, Massachusetts.