Saturday, January 29, 2011

Media whore Wolf Blitzer

CNN has always been about placing product.  The teabaggers just offer a particularly dangerous and worthless product.  They must pay their bills, though, which is plenty good enough for CNN.

There are of course product placements everywhere.  I was idly watching a repeat of "Bones" tonight, and there's Angela bragging how great her minivan is for hauling an artist's gear - normal enough, but she pointedly gives its name (which I decline to repeat).


D said...

It seems Michele Bachmann is a longshot but not the longest shot, I perused Intrade's list of GOP candidates, and found a number of highprofile candidates behind her.

lovable liberal said...

I'm not really worried about Bachmann. Her main use is to normalize the teabagger whackiness of Sarah Palin. Palin I am worried about.