Donald Trump, hair-architect blowhard legacy real estate deal-making multi-marriage reality TV celebrity who couldn't make money from a casino and would be white trash if he didn't have all that inherited money, will decide whether Carrie Prejean, Chrisjin anti-gay California blond Barbie beauty queen with godless torpedo implants and underage lingerie photos in the closet, gets to remain Miss California USA. Kit Seelye reports. In the New York Times!
It just doesn't get any more dismally perfect than this.
I really, really hope these aren't the end times. It would be awful to go out on a note like this.
Tuesday: Tariffs!
7 hours ago
And he cites Chrisjin Obama to restore her crown! (I think those are pec implants, so the parallel is complete)
Parallel in some paradoxical, exploding Riemannian, elliptic bullshit geometry, no doubt...
And by the way, Chrisjin is not a synonym for Christian, but a certain subset of Christians who affix the label to themselves so frequently that one wonders why their behavior doesn't change accordingly.
Of course, I never claimed Obama is right on this. Quite the contrary, I disagree with him. I know that must be head-exploding for a fully compliant lockstep conservative, but it happens all the time among liberals.
Doesn't happen enough, especially regarding liberal economic theory consistent with personal freedom.
I am actually quite happy that the label of 'Christian' affixed to the followers of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and rigorously attended for MOST Sundays over 16 years by the Anointed One did not 'change his behavior accordingly.' Otherwise we would have a President touring the world apologizing for our country's evil deeds, shaking hands with dictators and distorting historical facts (such as whether Churchill tortured) to serve his argument. And we don't have that situation, so none of Wright's bullshit rubbed off on the One. I think.
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