Saturday, October 20, 2007

Krugman, national treasure

Although due to my own procrastination I never bought the late, unlamented TimesSelect, I missed Paul Krugman while he was behind the pay wall. If there's another columnist who is as consistently right about everything he writes about, I'm not reading her.

I hate being pessimistic, but the Pelosi-Reid fiasco that lobbyist-friendly Washington Democrats have become suggests to me, too, that President Hillary would not bring me any of these priorities:

  • Restoration of transparent Constitutional democracy
  • Departure from Iraq
  • An apt successor to the New Deal
On the contrary, from President Obama or President Edwards, I believe we would get a liberal path, not just the path of a New Democrat.

Update: Krugman's blog, Conscience of a Liberal, added to my blogroll.

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