Friday, December 19, 2008

Ripping Libertarians a new one

In a fit of lucidity a few days ago, I commented on This Space for Rent and promptly forgot about it. Then the comment was moderated and appeared as if by magic in my inbox. This is it (slightly adapted):

A capital-L Libertarian is an economic conservative who's so embarrassed to be willing to let the children of the poor go naked and hungry that he has concocted a bullshit rationalization (the unsurpassed perfection of the "free" market) for why any other condition for their hungry naked asses would actually be worse.


If you listen to raving lunatic assholes like Ayn Rand and Phil Gramm.


John Donohue said...

That's okay. A capital-L liberal is a communist who's so embarrassed by his religious zeal to enslave all productive citizens that he has concocted a retarded rationalization (that someone's need or whim is a legal entitlement to other's wealth) for why it is a holy cause for him to be the slave master.


If you are ruled by truly putrid insufferable megalomaniacs like John Kenneth Galbraith and Barrack Obama.

John Donohue
Pasadena, CA

lovable liberal said...

Ah, a Rand fan-boy dipshit shows up, imagining himself as a slave throwing off the bondage of taxes - and still using the roads, relying on the courts and the common defense, and in fact participating in the markets that without a sense of commonwealth wouldn't exist at all.

He even avails himself of Fair Use under copyright law to produce a weak and derivative parody of my work.

I guess he didn't like that second asshole. (Oh, who am I kidding? This guy has had many extra ones ripped over the course of his life.)

John Donohue said...

Your major officies are in your brain. Same excrement comes out.

Are you ready to trade off the payment of the commons on a voluntary basis by us free people with a snap of a finger for your hatred for man exemplified by fast-twitch impulse to enslave it? Best way would be for all progressives to self terminate. We have the guns, will lend.

I have made this offer a billion times to slavedrivers but they just laugh, even though exposed like Bill when Hillary yanked the desk away. They LIKE it this way!

John Donohue
Pasadena, CA

lovable liberal said...

The word you're grasping for (unsuccessfully) is 'orifices'.

Oh, yeah, you're definitely a follower of Ayn Rand. Even Alan Greenspan has recanted that lunacy.

Calling you a disciple of Rand should b insult enough, but here's one more: You're so full of shit, you should call yourself john. Now, please flush.

lovable liberal said...

Oh, and stop signing me up for crappy newsletters. All the ones you like, I'll keep marking as spam.

John Donohue said...

i did not sign you up for anything. You are a weak mudslinger; I won't post any more, it is a waste of time, no one reads your blog.

lovable liberal said...

I could delete your crappy comments, but my readers can still get a good laugh from them.