OK, I'm a New England Patriots fan. Yes, I think they could go undefeated and win the Super Bowl. But I have no desire to replace Yankees fans from the 1990s. So, I'm obliged to slam the idiots who wrote the first and the last of these letters.
Both call this objection to running up the score "politically correct". Seriously. It's elementary good sportsmanship not to run up the score. These are the kind of people who can see the offenses of their opponents but not of their team. It would not surprise me to find out that they also believe torture's fine so long as we're the people doing it but is outrageous from anyone else.
Good sportmanship is PC. OK, we liberals who get blamed for PC will take this one.
Tuesday: Job Openings
6 hours ago
"Loveable liberal" is obviously confusing major league football with Pop Warner football.
The NE Patriots are exemplary for their aggressiveness, intelligence AND good sportsmanship. They bring out the best in themselves and in every team that has played against them this season.
Seems to me that LL is neither a fan NOR a good sport, as evidenced by his incredibly stupid remarks! Sour grapes, indeed!!!
Cheryl, nice to meet you. Again, though, your perceptions are - how to say this nicely - wrong.
The social requirement of good sportsmanship doesn't stop with Pop Warner. If you people who cry "PC" whenever someone suggests self-control or good manners want to credit liberals with good sportsmanship, well, thanks!
Go Pats! 19-0 would be a beautiful end to the season.
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