Saturday, November 24, 2007

Marketing debases

All the major corporations jumping on the green bandwagon really care about only one kind of green. As soon as the environment is no longer profitable for them - or no longer as profitable as they think the next trend could be - they'll drop it.

Most Americans don't seem to distinguish between the underlying truth and marketing truthiness. We need to.

A little random history:

  • We bought cigarettes because they were associated with coolness.
  • We bought beer because it was associated with sex (never goes out of style).
  • We bought SUVs because they were associated with macho and safety.
  • We bought Duhbya because he was associated with regular guys (despite the patent, obvious unreality of this claim).
  • We bought bad loans because we were suckers.
  • We bought the Iraq war because it was associated with al Qaeda (only in the marketing, of course).
We really need to turn our collective bullshit detectors back on and then turn them up.

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