Cindy Sheehan has never been predictable; grief will do that. I'm pretty sure her quixotic run for Congress against Nancy Pelosi will go nowhere except in the media, and I don't want it to go even there.
Still, I can understand Sheehan's frustration. We put our hopes and cares into the election of a Democratic Congress, and we haven't gotten what we believe we earned, which is an assertive, coequal branch of government that has the will and the spine to bring the Bushists to heel.
Tuesday: Job Openings
6 hours ago
Why would you not support Cindy's candidacy if you are truly a progressive? She is anti-war, pro-universal health case and pro-impeachment (of a clearly criminal executive branch). I've met Cindy and I find her to be smart and very honest -- not someone who will be bought out by corporate lobbyists.
peteindc, since I'm truly a liberal, I'll resist the temptation to form another circular firing squad and yell at you. We need each other.
I could get cute and say that I support Pelosi for President because I'm for impeachment of both Duhbya and Darth, and Nancy would be next in line. But, in that case, I could support Sheehan's run, and I don't.
Here's why: Even electing Sheehan would actually impede the cause of withdrawal from Iraq. The problem is not Pelosi. It's not even Harry Reid. It's the Republicans (of course) and the blue dog Democrats. If Sheehan ran against one of them, that might be helpful.
Don't believe me? Imagine plugging Sheehan into CA-8. That's one more vote for immediate impeachment but still not anywhere close to enough. Who would then be Speaker? Certainly not Sheehan. Do you want Steny Hoyer to be Speaker?
Does this mean Pelosi is the greatest thing since sliced bread? Maybe, but only because sliced bread isn't that great. Still, given where the membership is on both impeachment and on withdrawal, Pelosi is pretty damn good.
Can't Cindy find a vulnerable wingnut to run against anywhere in California?
Ha! You are a neoliberal. Let me guess you also like freetrade policies, and golbalization?
Sorry, pal, I am a true progressive and a Green. So I think we'll politely part ways here. The two party system is slave to the military-corporate industrial complex.
To understand my views a bit more -- check out the film "The Corporation."
Petey, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And I mean that with all due politeness.
You're the one who called himself a progressive, the neo rebranding of liberal. Don't be so scared of the Republican smear machine.
As for my position on economic issues, sneak back in here and have a read some time. If you're not too busy with political auto-eroticism.
Greens! I'm sure there must be some somewhere who aren't in love with their own affluent self-righteousness, but I haven't met any. Probably still happy about what St. Ralph accomplished in 2000...
Somehow I guessed you would mention Ralph Nader. Sorry, but the Green agenda goes way beyond one man.
Also, check out "Why We Fight" to further understand who the Dems and Reps are answering to. Guess what -- it's not the American people.
What Republican smear machine? Oh, the one that's almost identical to the Democrat smear machine -- note your own attack on me. And the hundreds of attacks on Cindy from the party hacks who detest that she has pushed so valiantly to end this war and occupation and is now declaring her own independence.
When I use Progressive -- I refer to the exact same tradition of Sen. La Follette.
Well, did you support Nader or not?
What Republican smear machine?
Are your ears filled with wax?
No I did not vote for Nader. But I did become Green in December '04.
RE: The Republican smear machine -- I was being a bit sarcastic. Both parties fling mud and insults thus turning off millions of potential voters. And both are heavily funded by big money interests -- thus no longer representing the people.
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