Or, in this case, by their fruitcake ideas.
I'm not even sure all these wingnut Republicans really truly believe global warming is natural. Oh, sure, Michele Bachmann is vacuous enough to believe it, and so do many of the others, especially the idiots who've gone to fundie schools and have not even a passing acquaintance with science, at least not as anything other than a source of evil-ution and a punching bag for bullshit fundamentalist denial.
But surely some of these deniers are intelligent enough to understand the data. Those are worse than the sincere deniers. They are simply hypocrites who know what they have to say to be viable Teapublicans.
The fact that success in one of the two main American political parties requires a declaration of one's own stupidity - because so many of its base voters have chosen denial as their core epistemic principle - is truly frightening and a far greater existential threat than terrorism could ever be.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
By their fruits
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Where to start on this one??? Twenty years ago your ilk was exclaiming that 1/3 of Florida would be under water by now…has this happened? The U.S. hasn’t been hit with a tropical hurricane of any power in several years. In fact, the last few years have been all time lows for tropical hurricane development. There are crickets chirping in the tropics and can’t stand it. You Communists in the warming fraud are now playing defense. You even had to rename your fraud from “global warming” to “climate change.” Hey…nice move Mao…no one person can deny that the climate doesn’t “change.” It does that as a result of orbit and axis angle but of course you and your Communist fiends at the mass media won’t mention that part. No longer can you claim warming because statistics have been proven to be skewed by leftist operators within the scientific community. This spring and summer has been one of the coolest on record for where I live. Shouldn’t it be getting hotter each and every year Vlad?
The way you continue to trumpet this BS leads me to believe that you actually believe in this garbage. That would place you in the lowest portion of the global warming pyramid scheme….in and among the “useful idiots” as your hero Lenin used to call them. Congratulations on the self demotion.
You started by lying. Typical. When the facts have their well-known liberal bias, you wingnuts make up new bullshit. No one who understood the data said Florida would be a third under water in 20 years. You "remember" it that way because you're not concerned about the truth.
Then you leave out all the extreme weather events to cherry-pick tropical hurricanes. Do you think the rest of the world can't remember Sandy just because it's an inconvenient truth for you?
Climate change is more accurate than global warming, but warming is still the fundamental problem. Which you could understand if you were willing to. But information cannot argue with a closed mind.
If this were about money in the scientific community, oil companies would long since have paid off the scientists. Believe me, with ozone, their chemical industry cohorts tried.
Go tongue bathe more fossil fuel executives. They enjoy that from moronic idiots like you.
Since you know so much about this topic and I don't, tell me, Fidel, just what would be the global consequences of every bit of ice melting at the north pole. My mind mind open for your response.
Since you didn't even attempt a rebuttal of anything except your douchebag ignorance, you must not have found any errors. That means you're trolling to try to catch me in a mistake I haven't made yet.
You must be asking about ocean level, not other effects such as humidity and snowstorms due to open water at the pole.
Ice at the north pole floats on the Arctic Ocean, so melting it raises the level of the ocean... wait for it... zero. In fact, it's already happened in the summer. It's the vast ice on land, the Antarctic and Greenland primarily, that will raise sea level as the earth warms.
So shut up and get back to Koch-sucking.
Even if my dipshit wingnut troll had caught me out in an error, that would only have been proof in the bizarre wingnut world where they can make all sorts of basic errors but we have to be perfect or everything we say miraculously becomes false.
Weird, stupid logic on the right...
Do I hear *crickets*?
My conserva-troll is still silent. He hasn't come back to acknowledge I pwned him, when he lamely and moronically tried to trick me into a mistake.
Totally expected. If you're looking for intellectual honesty - or just plain old honesty - you won't get it from conserva-trolls. Ever.
Another week later, and he's still too small-minded to own up to his abject failure. Small in other ways, too.
He won't be here before or after the government shutdown.
Punked, that is.
(Frickin' autocorrect.)
Wow! I really struck a nerve with this one. Since you are so desperate to get me back in this thread……here I am. It appears that you want credit in print for the common knowledge that when ice floats in water it displaces its own weight. You are so smart it scares me to death. Look Mao...if you libtards want to use something to rob us of our liberty and money, then why don’t you abandon the global warming farce and go for something that is really happening? The great lakes are emptying!!!!!! Have you ever stood next to the Niagara River and observed millions of gallons of water draining from the lakes each and every minute??? What a tragedy it will be when the lakes are all dried up. This is REALLY happening….it’s called “outflow.” Give it a try and maybe it will catch on like global warming did but this time it will be real. Al Gore may not go for it because he is set to steal billions via “Carbon Credits” and may not want to “save” the great lakes. Maybe you could be the new Al Gore and figure a way to use a naturally occurring event to enrich yourself and deny others their liberty and financial security. I’ll even help with a link;
Good luck with your new source of personal enrichment and political power.
Wow, that's a huge lot of bullshit. And it took you more than a month to come up with it!
You're a total failure at arguing against global warming, but you're so well bullshitted into conserfadism you can't stop sucking up to the fossil fuel industry - the real profiteers in this contest of the people's good against the greed of assholes. And you - by no means a member of the 1% - continue to serve your feudal masters.
As for the Great Lakes, we liberals will worry about real problems, not your ridiculous bullshit.
I see…as usual it’s all about bashing the industry that keeps your ass warm and enables you to move from place to place at high speeds you hypocrite. Once again you make a fool of yourself in a public forum. If you want to demonize a corrupt, cash heavy company then why don’t you attack Apple? Apple has $400,000,000,000.00 in cash and has obtained it by utilizing slave labor at foxcon in China to build its products. Those products are sold for huge profits on the world market at the expense of factory laborers you people claim to be so concerned about. Apple has built unimaginable wealth by manufacturing offshore and avoiding union labor costs. Could it be that the reason none of you hypocrites on the left attack Apple is because it is a leftist organization?
Trying to change the subject, as usual...
Of course, it's only liberals who've raised Asian working conditions as an American issue. Oh, and labor unions...
You manage a gas station, is that it? Or maybe something to do with coal?
Sorry Stalin....I don't work in the fossil fuels industry but I'm smart enough to know that Al Gore can't use a windmill or solar panels to propel his private jet. "Conserfative"....really...are you totally mad? You must have not noticed that the road to serfdom was paved by your heroes...folks like Stalin, Castro, Mao, Kim Jong iL and Khrushchev. The aforementioned tyrants would have been proud supporters of the Demorat Party if they lived in the United States.
So you suck up to the profiteers without getting a piece. You're bragging about it, too. I wouldn't, but, hey, I'm nobody's serf. You, on the other hand, love the laird of the manor even if he fucks your wife on your wedding day. Metaphorically, of course. He's really fucking you. Again, for the narrow-minded, figuratively.
Oh, to respond to your typically stoopid argument, we're not advocating the end of fossil fuel use, only its intelligent moderation. I know anything unextreme is difficult for your tiny mind,
Dumb ass;
The profits being realized by the fossil fuel industry are because of people like YOU. The environmentalist/communist movement has managed to put a stranglehold on energy production in this, and other countries. Subsequently, since supply has been choked buy you communists, the price has risen dramatically. Thus, the high profits being enjoyed by all in the industry. You have no grounds to paint the oil industry as profiteers since you made it possible for them. You and your fiends aren't happy with stopping fossil fuel endeavors at the production level...oh no...you are now even preventing distribution efforts by blocking pipelines. Of course...there is always an excuse as to why this needs to happen but some of us know the real agenda behind it. I'm one of them Mao.
How is it that you are so consistently ignorant of basic facts? US oil production has surpassed every other country's. Oh, right, you're a conserfative ignoramus who gets disinformed from Fox and wingnut radio. But even Fox Business reported on our hugely escalating petroleum production.
Serf! All you aspire to is crumbs from your master's table, for which you gratefully kiss his ass. Maybe you're the other kind of teabagger, too, who knows?
If the feds would have stepped aside, we would have been energy independent years ago. We are nowhere close to where we should be in production thanks to Demorats blocking production in every possible way for so many years. I know production is up Mao and it’s in spite of your beloved federal government. The reason for this is fracking on private land. You feds can’t stop oil and gas production on private land so that’s why the new tactic is to block distribution. The department of energy was created by the second worse President in history to, wait for it, reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Since the creation of that bloated department, our oil imports have increased. Only fracking on private land has reduced the crude oil trade imbalance in spite of the efforts of the current Bolshevik administration. Let me see now….B.O. has made deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico off limits, he opposes fracking, he has kept ANWAR off limits, has shut down many coal fired electric generating plants, he’s working to put the coal industry out of business and he blocked the Keystone XL pipeline. That doesn’t sound like a President that has domestic energy production in his agenda. If fact…he’s attacking the energy industry. This is a typical tactic when one nation is at war with another…cut off the energy supply and they are easy prey. Cut off the energy that fuels free market Capitalism and it’ll be easy prey to Socialism followed by Communism.
President Obama has followed a strongly pro-extraction policy, but he hasn't turned over every scrap of America to the drillers. If a GOPer had his policy, you'd love him, but you're too blinded by delusional hatred to have more perspective than a two-year-old.
Btw, why is it that reichwingers like you capitalize English as if it were Deutsche?
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