Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Why we need better Democrats

Every time I read something like this about Washington Democrats scrambling to give Duhbya what he wants, I want to give up, have a nice life, and spend my energy more productively. The Democrats - my Democrats - have the power to take their time and make sure of good legislation, but they are too cowed to use it.

The Washington Democrats:

  • believe they have a winning hand for the 2008 elections even though they are fifteen months away
  • are standing pat (the Kerry strategy) on that hand in abject refusal to recognize that political landscapes always shift and always require dynamic responsiveness
  • fear the admittedly potent smear machine by which Karl Rove and his attack pundits feed the lazy, lapdog mainstream media
  • don't trust the American people (with much good reason) to see through the Republican media narrative

I think Americans have finally gotten it. I think they know Duhbya's goading proposals are so much bull, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

I know if I were in Washington, I wouldn't want to stay there without hope for the restoration of Constitutional government. I'd be pushing for an up-or-down vote on this whole concept of coequal branches of government that the Bushists have so much obvious contempt for. I'd be thinking that if the people don't want that or don't have enough sense even now to see how to get it, then I might as well grow tomatoes.

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