Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Who will Duhbya nominate to replace Gonzo? Nobody knows, but reporters are desperate to tell us. After yesterday's Chertoff embarrassment, the AP finds its best Time above-it-all shrugging tone, but Mooney is still willing to transcribe what any unnamed Republican source says. Really, the rule should be: You want to float a name? You have to go on record. Otherwise, the reporter is just collecting guesses and bullshit and feeding it to us.

One particular paragraph cracked me up:

Other potential prospects include former Solicitor General Ted Olson, a GOP stalwart who argued Bush's case before the Supreme Court in the 2000 Florida recount
Uh, no. That smarmy SOB will never get Senate confirmation as long as any Democrat has even one ball. (Oh, shit.)

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