Sunday, April 6, 2008

Health care for insurance companies

That's what John McCain offers. Faced with the choice between protecting corporations and protecting people, McCain is an orthodox Republican and protects corporations.

And the international evidence on health care costs is overwhelming: the United States has the most privatized system, with the most market competition — and it also has by far the highest health care costs in the world.
Let's be clear: Unregulated markets allocate goods and services to available dollars (or euros, etc.). We regulate some markets so that they will allocate goods and services to people, even if those people don't have dollars. Free markets fundamentally cannot provide universal health care. By definition, they don't even try.

McCain doesn't even really have a plan, just some hoary and useless old conservative maxims. After all, the only way to lower costs for the rich and healthy is to stop healing the poor and sick.

1 comment:

Steve in MD said...

McCain may be an honorable man, but he is a front man for the dishonorable monstrosity that we call the Republican party.

He may be a war hero, but if he had any guts he wouldn't just distance himself from Bush, but would defect to the Democrats. The Dems are far, far from perfect, but by comparison to the repubs, the dems
could be the second coming of Christ, for those who believe that God is Love, not greed, and that the Repub party have become the Great Satan.