Saturday, January 27, 2024

Slow learning media

 So... Trump is going to refuse later contributions from people who give Nikki Haley money. Riiight!

The first rule of evaluating a Trump statement, which the media ought to have figured out long ago is:

Is he bullshitting?

Because he's almost always bullshitting. He has no loyalty at all to the truth, but he's not always lying. Mostly, he's bullshitting, shining on, gaslighting. His bullshit tomorrow will often be just the opposite of his bullshit today. He'll say something like, "Thousands and thousands of Haley contributors have come over to MAGA, believe me."

Naturally, any time he says "believe me", you shouldn't.

Srsly, can you imagine this greedy, venal man refusing to take money from anyone? If George Soros had a stroke, entirely lost his open society principles, and offered money to the Orange Mussolini, you know if you've been paying attention and have half a brain in your head, that Trump would snatch it out of his hand in a New York minute.

After all, he's got a rape victim to pay. You don't think he's going to do that with his own money, do you?

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