Saturday, April 2, 2011

Running government like a business

We're only plowing 70% of your street this winter.  It's a green program to use less fuel!

We'll give your kids the three Rs, and AP courses or a foreign language are available à la carte so that we can provide you exactly what you want!

No more WIC for you women and your babies!  It's a diet plan.  Start your baby on the scientifically proven calorie reductions of a lifetime! (Immoral and stupid, the perfect Republican plan...)

That's what business - or a Republican - would do:

“I have never regretted raising prices in the face of significant cost pressures, since we can always course-correct if the outcome is not as we expected,” Heinz’s chairman and chief executive, William R. Johnson, said last month.

But of course he raises prices stealthily by shrinking packages.

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